CAST Cooks

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During the last 6 months, we have all been cooking at home a lot more. Find out what some of your neighbors and friends are making when they are not on stage performing or up in the booth aiming the spotlights on the best shows in town. CAST Cooks will be a memorable compilation of how we have been spending our time and if you are lucky you just might learn the secret to the perfect brownie. The cookbook is the brainchild of CAST performer Emily Churchouse who loves a good brownie, but her secret passion is really finding ways for CAST to keep afloat in new normal. As she shared in her heartfelt letter to the CAST family,

“CAST has been such a huge part of my life, and I know that many other CAST members would say the same thing. I could never imagine a time when CAST wasn't around, and I want to do everything I can to help CAST get back on its feet and grow. Even though this is my last year with CAST, I will continue to come to shows when I am older, and I will continue to support CAST as I know many alums have done.” 

Check back for more info on how to support CAST by buying copies of this one of a kind cookbook. For now, you can help Emily and all her friends on stage at CAST and backstage in the CREW by submitting your recipes. All are welcome to submit. Emily explained how you can help,

“I am looking to have the kids send in recipes of things they have been cooking in the past six months, or some other fun recipe that would be good for a cookbook. Along with their recipe, we would also like a picture of the CAST member with their final product, and if you have a good image of them in one of their CAST roles onstage! You will need to send the recipes and the pictures to Kathy Simon, whose email is We need these pictures and recipes as soon as possible, but the final deadline to get them in is September 25th.”